Everything you need to know

On this page you can find useful information about the tournament. If you still miss info; please send us a message via the contact page.

Overnight stay

There are 2 accommodation options on site; the “zonneweide” and the campsite. More details about both options can be found below.

The “zonneweide”

It is possible for all participants to stay for free from Friday, August 26, 13:00 till Sunday, August 28 on the “zonneweide” of the Moekesgat swimming pool. You can spend the night here with a tent, but note: there is no electricity here.

Campsite Moekesgat

Are you coming with the caravan, camper or do you just need electricity? Then you can just spend the night at Moekesgat campsite. We have arranged a special promotional rate for this: accommodation costs € 8.50 per person per night and electricity costs € 3.50 per night. For more information: or contact via

Competition rules

The competition is played conform the rules of the KNZB, which are applicable in the Dutch water polo competition of coming season. In all cases where these regulations are not specific, the head referee and/or competition management decides.

The following exceptions apply:

Playtime for all teams except national league:

  1. We play in 2 periods of 6 minutes gross playtime, with 1 minute of peace between the periods.
  2. Every match is played within a timeframe of 15 minutes
  3. All games are played according to a central time registration
  4. The 30-second rule is not applied

Playtime for the national league:

  1. We play 3 periods of 6 minutes NET-playtime, with 1 minute of peace between the periods.
  2. Every match is played within a timeframe of 45 minutes
  3. The 30-second rule is applied
  4. No time-out’s


  • In our tournament app you can find the registration form, match schedule, results and schedules for referees.
  • During the tournament we play in poules, classified per category and level.
  • The white team needs to bring the ball to the match
  • There are only finals for the highest men and female league.
  • Applicable match points:
    • Gain      3 points
    • Even      1 point
    • Loss      o points
  • When a team does not show up or is more then 3 minutes too late, the competitor will win with 5-0
  • When both teams do not show up, the score is 0-0. The game will not be replayed.
  • The team with the highest number of points is the winner of the poule
  • When the teams have the same number of points, the team with the best score balance is group winner

Exclusions/criminal cases:

  1. When player is excluded for 20 seconds, the player or replacement can return in the game after 20 seconds gross time (in the national league poule 20 seconds net)
  2. When a player gets and exclusion with replacement, the replacement an return in the game after 30 seconds gross time (in the national league poule 20 seconds net)
  3. When a player gets and exclusion with replacement after 4 minutes, no replacement is allowed for the remaining match
  4. All Exclusions with replacement (for 4 minutes) need to be reported at the head referee or competition management. The head referee decides on the consequences for the rest of the tournament.

Very serious incidents will be reported to the KNZB

Terms and conditions


  1. Registration procedure and costs
  2. Camping on  Zonneweide
  3. Camping on Camping Moekesgat
  4. House regulation

Registration procedure and costs

  1. All teams have to register via the registration form on the website Deadline for registration is Augustus 1st 2022.
  2. The registration is final when the registration fee has been paid.
  3. Signing out the teams can be done by an email to:
  4. When signing out of a team after August 12th 2022 (within 2 weeks before the start of the tournament) the registration fee will not be returned by the organization.
  5. When signing out a team 3 days before tournament start, the registration fee and deposit will not be returned by the organization.
  6. The registration fee is € 100.- per team which are received before June 1st 2020. Frome June 1st 2022 the registration fee is € 110.- per team.
  7. The registration fee needs to be paid via the payment application on this website. It is not possible to pay the registration fee in cash.
  8. Every team pays a deposit of  € 50.-. The deposit will be refunded when the following conditions have been met:
    • The camp site is left clean
    • Waste has been put in the bins
    • All games have been played
  9. After meeting the conditions, the deposit will be refunded within 14 days.
  10. When is it not feasible to pay via the website, as a result of which the registration cannot be finalized, you will need to agree with the organization an acceptable solution via
  11. When the tournament is cancelled, out of influence of the organization, the subscription fee will not be refunded.

Camping on the Zonneweide

  1. Camping on the zonneweide is allowed for all participants of the ZEPTA Water polo tournament. Camping is allowed from Friday August 26th 2022 1PM until Sunday August 22nd 2022
  2. Camping on the Zonneweide is free for the whole weekend.
  3. Power is not available.
  4. All guests need to be registered and while get an over night card. The overnight card provides access to the Zonneweide and party tent.
  5. On the terrain a path has been marked with white chalk or red/white ribbon. This path must be kept free for emergency services.
  6. Music is limited allowed as long as it does not cause inconveniences to other guests. Between 11 PM and 7 PM, music is not allowed.
  7. Please put your waste in the bin and leave the terrain in a decent state.
  8. Pets are not allowed
  9. Cars, caravans, campers and other vehicles are not allowed.
  10. Open fire is not allowed for safety reasons. When this rule is not adhered to you and your team can be requested to leave the terrain. A BBQ using gas is allowed when you use it carefully.
  11. Aggregates are not allowed.
  12. Glassware is not allowed on the terrain for safety reasons.

Camping at Camping Moekesgat

  1. For 2022 ZEPTA has made some agreements with Camping Moekesgat.
    In the period of Friday August 19th until Monday August 29th 2022 camping Moekesgat has a special tariff for all participants of the ZEPTA Water polo tournament.
  2. During this period the over night tarrif is € 8,50 per person/per night.
  3. Power is available at the cost of € 3,50 per night.
  4. Camping Moekesgat is not within the responsibilities of ZEPTA.
  5. After payment all guests get an overnight card which provides access to the amping and party tent.
  6. On the terrain a path has been marked with white chalk or red/white ribbon. This path must be kept free for emergency services.
  7. Music is limited allowed as long as it does not cause inconveniences to other guests. Between 11 PM and 7 PM, music is not allowed.
  8. Please put your waste in the bin and leave the terrain in a decent state.
  9. Pets are allowed, walking the animals needs to be done outside the camping terrain. Please ensure your pets do not cause inconvenience to there guests.
  10. Cars are only temporary allowed on the camping. The cars need to be parked at the parking outside the camping.
  11. Open fire is not allowed for safety reasons. When this rule is not adhered to you and your team can be requested to leave the terrain. A BBQ using gas is allowed when you use it carefully.
  12. Aggregates are not allowed.

House rules

  • The whole weekend a professional first aid team is on site. During the night security staff is present.
  • During the tournament please follow instructions of safety teams, First aid and organisation.
  • Accessing the tournament terrain is at your own risk.
  • It is not allowed to swim in the evening or night.
  • Cars need to be parked in the defined parking spaces. Always follow the instructions of the traffic controllers.
  • Participating clubs are expected to inform the team members that is case of destruction, misbehavior, etc. the police will be contacted.
  • During the weekend we do not sell alcohol to persons below 18 years old.
  • Drinks need to be paid with coins.